Our Services


We provide bespoke at-home culinary services for all your dining needs as well private cooking lessons to be enjoyed solo or in a group setting.


We cater for all events from parties to camping trips. We also offer daily/weekly home delivery service.


Our team of experts can help you in the creation of tailored menus for any theme, occasion or setting.


Our consulting services include sourcing local produce for the culinary marketplace and educating on sustainable agricultural practices. We can help you with your own gardens or greenhouses; advising on best practices for creation and how to promote soil and plant health.


We turn ideas involving culinary and food into concepts for restaurants, pop-ups, spaces – experiences.


We help connect restaurants, cafes, grocers to farms within UAE and vice versa. We have built a network consisting of artisanal sustainable organic farms in the UAE.


We put together educational workshops and sessions about everything we are passionate about: Sustainability, Agriculture in the UAE, Food Security, Organic Farming, Full Circle Systems (Zero Waste Solutions) and helping reconnect our community with where their food comes from seed to plate. We have a network from highly specialised individuals to self educated passionate individuals.

Our Community